Sunday, December 29, 2013

My Favorite Historical Romance Novels for 2013

Here is my Top 13 Favorite Romance Novels Read in 2013.

Thinking back, these are the titles that made the deepest impression on me. I thought 2013 was an amazing year for romance novels and I have to give a nod to these authors who are blazing a new trail and presenting this beloved genre in a fresh, bright, and sparky way.

1. Obsession Wears Opals by Renee Bernard
2. A Taste For Scandal by Erin Knightley
3. Forever a Lord by Delilah Marvelle
4. The Duchess War by Courtney Milan

5. Lord of Darkness by Elizabeth Hoyt
6. Colorado Dawn by Kaki Warner
7. When You Give a Duke a Diamond by Shana Galen
8. Any Duchess Will Do by Tessa Dare

9. A Woman Entangled by Cecilia Grant
10. Sweet Madness by Heather Snow
11. Once Upon a Tower by Eloisa James
12. The Sheik Retold by Victoria Vane and EM Hull
13. No Good Duke Goes Unpunished by Sarah MacLean

Honorable Mentions:
*Lord Gray's List by Maggie Robinson
*An Infamous Marriage by Susanna Fraser
*Midsummer Magick by Laura Navarre
*What Not to Bare by Megan Frampton
*The Secrets of Mia Danvers by Robyn DeHart

To see last year's list, click here.


  1. I love your favorites. I love Shana Galen, and Tessa Dare. There are some I haven't read like Heather Snow and Erin Knightly. Need to try their books though and soon!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow, I love to be included in your list. Thanks.

  3. What a great selection of winners, Tin!

  4. Hi, Robyn! When I think back to Mia Danvers, I get very excited thinking about what yoll write next in your next book. ^_^

    Hi, Connie and Renee! Thank you! ^_^

  5. Hi Tin! It's an absolute honor to be on your list. I hope to bring you more favorite reads in 2014. :-)
    XO Victoria

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