Friday, December 13, 2013

Book Blast: Love by Deception by Debra Elizabeth (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Love Saves the World welcomes Debra Elizabeth and her book, Love by Deception.

Debra will award digital copies of Love by Secrets and Love by Deception to two randomly drawn commenters during the tour. To check out all the blogs participating in this book blast, click here.

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About the book:


Content with her life as a lady's maid, Isabel Knott learns the father she never knew has left her a fortune. The news comes with one restriction—she can never reveal his name. Isabel falls in love with Colby Tisbury, but with her nonexistent pedigree his father, Lord Tisbury, will never accept her as his daughter-in-law.

Colby Tisbury must marry, and soon. If he doesn’t find a bride before the end of the Season, his father will supply one. Then Colby meets sassy Isabel Knott, and everything changes—but can he go against his father’s wishes and marry a girl utterly lacking in family and connections? Isabel is forced to make an impossible choice - reveal her secret identity and bring shame to her true father or lose Colby forever.

April 1817

His cousin, Ethan Richardson, had saved his life with his quick actions after the duel, and had made the visits to the tenant farmers in his place while Colby recovered. He owed Ethan a big debt of gratitude, but his cousin disagreed. Ethan believed it was what family did for each other. Colby had the utmost respect for Ethan.

He reached up and took off his hat, running his hand through his thick brown hair. The April weather had turned warmer than usual and his hair curled around his ears and at his collar from the humidity. He was a few weeks early for the spring visit, but he wanted to complete the farm tours before the uncomfortable heat set in permanently.

He replaced his hat and patted his black stallion’s neck. “You ready, Diego?” The horse snorted and Colby clicked him into motion. His first stop was Thomas Galen’s cottage. Tom and his two brothers had lived on Tisbury land for nearly twenty years. Their father was the original tenant and as the Galen brothers grew up and married, they all followed in their father’s footsteps and rented their own plot of Tisbury land.

The cozy stone cottage came into view and Colby saw Thomas outside playing with his young sons. The little boys’ laughter floated on the air. It was clear they loved their father. A twinge of envy settled in Colby’s gut. Would he have his own coveted family some day? No young lady had caught his eye for the past few Seasons, much to his father’s displeasure. Lord Tisbury had been hinting for the past few years that it was time for Colby to be settled, but he wasn’t looking forward to the Season this year with the latest group of twittering young ladies all vying for his attention, especially Miss Kathryn Larkinson. He didn’t want a wallflower for a wife. His ideal woman wouldn’t be afraid to speak her mind, but he wasn’t sure she even existed. Young ladies were taught to be subservient to their future husbands, not offering any opinions of their own. How would he know a young lady’s mind if she never shared anything of substance with him?


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About the author:

Debra Elizabeth is the romance pen name for fantasy author Debra L Martin. Together with her co-author and brother, they enjoy writing epic fantasy. They have published 4 books to date, The Silver Cross, Assassin's Curse, The Quest For Nobility And The Crystal Facade. They are currently working on WITCH'S CURSE, Book 2 in the Witchstone Prophecies.

Love by Deception is Book 2 in the Age of Innocence series. Book 1 is Love by Secrets. She is currently working on Book 3, Dare to Love a Spy.

Debra also blogs at Two Ends of the Pen where she writes about everything writing as well as hosting author interviews and posting book reviews.

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Debra will award digital copies of Love by Secrets and Love by Deception to two randomly drawn commenters during the tour.

To check out all the blogs participating in this book blast, click here.


  1. Sounds like an interesting read. I'll have to check out book 1 as well.

  2. Thank you so much for hosting my newest romance!

  3. Oh wow! Where have I been that I didn’t find the first book? I definitely want to read both of them! Sounds delightful. Thanks for sharing and giving me a heads-up!

  4. Ooh family secrets and a fortune to boot ;) I'm looking forward to seeing what this story reveals. Thanks for sharing and Happy Holidays!

    lorih824 @ yahoo dot com

  5. Interesting problem pedigree or dowry. . . Looks interesting.

  6. This looks perfect for me! I LOVE historical romance!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    mestith at gmail dot com



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