Wednesday, November 13, 2013

An Exclusive Interview with Victoria Vane + Giveaway (Thank you, Authors! Thank you, Fellow Readers!)

I see Victoria Vane as one of the champions of the Georgian era in historical romance. What impresses me about her books is the depth and breadth of her knowledge of the era and how she infuses her books with her obvious love of the time period. And her stories always come out so rich and so textured.

When she announced her new project, a retelling of EM Hull's classic, The Sheik, I wondered how she would do it -- and, in Victoria Vane's typical style, she approached it with the same thoroughness and passion that she has shown in writing her previous books.

Admittedly, it took me a while to muster up the interest to read The Sheik Retold (because I was not a fan of the theme -- note the use of past tense) -- and now I am a convert.

Victoria has visited this blog before, but this one is special and personal -- and I am so happy to have her today.

LStW: What was the inspiration behind The Sheik Retold?
Victoria Vane: Although I heard about it years ago, I did not read E.M. Hull's original story, The Sheik, until I found it free on Amazon about eight or nine months ago. Ironically, I am not a fan of old school bodice-rippers or of "forced seduction," nevertheless I was sucked into this exotic story with high melodrama. I finished it with extremely mixed emotions. I loved the atmosphere and the potential of the story, but found it both disturbing and disappointing. For weeks I could not stop thinking about what it could have been. When I started dreaming about the characters I knew I had to re-tell it.

LStW: (Halloween) If you could dress up as any character, real or fictional, who would it be?
Victoria: Anyone who follows me on Facebook knows I love to play dress up! I don't have a particular character I can think of but my favorite fashions are from the Georgian era and the roaring twenties. I have already done both! (photos attached).

LStW: (Thanksgiving) As a writer, what are three things that you are most thankful for?
Victoria: Without readers an author is nothing, but without inspiration there would be no stories, I am thankful for both. I am also extremely blessed to have a family who believes in me.

LStW: (Christmas) Do you have a favorite thing to gift friends for Christmas?
Victoria: I am not much of a baker the rest of the year, but I do try to make special treats at Christmas time. I don't agree with all the commercialism of Christmas and have always believed most in the value of gifts from the heart.

LStW: (New Year) What's next for Victoria Vane?

Victoria: Thanks for asking, Tin!

I have many new projects coming down the pike! Chronologically by release date I have Jewel of the East, the eagerly anticipated book #5 in my Devil DeVere series that I hope to release in January 2014. I also plan to go back in time later this year with Ned's Folly, (Ned and Annalee's story) to release next summer. Beyond my DeVere series, I will be primarily focusing on contemporary romance.

I am currently finishing Rough Rider, the second book of four in a brand new hot contemporary cowboy series for Sourcebooks that will hit the book stands (paperback and e-book) in November 2014. I also have two more contemporary series ideas that I am planning to pitch very soon.

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The Desert Was Never Hotter! Pride and passion vie for supremacy in this steamy retelling of E.M. Hull's romance classic.

A haughty young heiress for whom the world is a playground ...

A savage son of the Sahara who knows no law but his own ...

"There will be inquiries." I choked out. "I am not such a nonentity that nothing will be done when I am missed. You will pay for what you have done."

"Pay?" His amused look sent a cold feeling of dread through me. "I have already paid ... in gold that matches your hair, my gazelle. Besides," he continued, "the French have no jurisdiction over me. There is no authority here above my own."

My trepidation was growing by the minute. "Why have you done this? Why brought me here?"

"Why?" He repeated with a slow and heated appraisal that made me acutely, almost painfully, conscious of my sex. "Bon Dieu! Are you not woman enough to know?"

When pride and passion vie for supremacy... Blistering desert days are nothing compared to sizzling Sahara nights ...

Read my review of The Sheik Retold by Victoria Vane and EM Hull here.

Read my reviews of The Devil Devere Series:
A Wild Night's Bride
The Virgin Huntress
The Devil You Know
The Devil's Match
A Devil's Touch
The Trouble with Sin

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Victoria Vane is a multiple award-winning romance novelist, cowboy addict and history junkie whose collective works of fiction range from wildly comedic romps to emotionally compelling erotic romance. Victoria also writes historical fiction as Emery Lee and is the founder of Goodreads Romantic Historical Fiction Lovers and the Romantic Historical Lovers book review blog. Look for Victoria's sexy new contemporary cowboy series coming from Sourcebooks in 2014.

To find out more about Victoria Vane and her books, click below:
DeVere Fan Site
Author's Blog

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It's almost Thanksgiving and this is my way of saying "Thank you" to all the wonderful authors and to all the wonderful romance readers in the world.

Image from

As support for the authors, I'm hosting a giveaway for one copy of A Wild Night's Bride by Victoria Vane (due to international restrictions, The Sheik Retold is not available to me for purchase).

*This giveaway is via Rafflecopter and is open to International Readers.
*This giveaway will run until November 20.
*One entry per household per IP.
*Rafflecopter will select a winner who will receive an ebook copy of A Wild Night's Bride by Victoria Vane.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Promo Alert!

From Victoria Vane's newsletter:

Perhaps it's the Holiday spirit coming upon me but I'm feeling very thankful (and generous)! As a small gesture of gratitude, from now until December 31, I will be offering a free e-book each Friday to EVERY new subscriber to my mailing list.

Giveaway is Treacherous Temptations.

Here are the links to subscribe:
Facebook link
Website link:

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Drop by next Monday for the next interview and giveaway. ;-)


  1. Does anyone know where this obsession with Highlanders in romance novels came from? Not that I'm complaining...

  2. Hi, Mary! Agree! My favorite holiday is Halloween and I'm lucky my 2 kids still indulge me and let me dress them up. ^_^



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