Monday, November 25, 2013

An Exclusive Interview with Beverley Kendall + Giveaway (Thank you, Authors! Thank you, Fellow Readers!)

Beverley Kendall is an author that I truly admire. She is a prodigious author who writes both historical and contemporary NA novels and also manages The Season for Romance, an indispensable guide for all romance readers.

What I love about Beverley is that she is both a passionate reader and a passionate writer: and her love of stories shows through in her Facebook and Twitter posts. She shares so much of everything: of her own books and of other authors, of insights into being a self-pubbed author and into the business aspects of the industry, and so much more.

Twice the Temptation, her newest historical romance, released last week and I am so, so, very, very pleased to welcome Beverley Kendall to Love Saves the World today.

LStW: What was the inspiration behind Twice the Temptation, the first
book in your The Temptresses series?
Beverley Kendall: I read a book by Gena Showalter about a private investigation service where the women and men acted as bait for women who thought their significant other was cheating or was a potential cheater. I loved the whole premise and when I started a new historical series, I took that concept and shuffled it around so it could fit a Victorian-set romance. I do that with most of my historicals. I usually have a contemporary idea that I retrofit to make it work in Victorian England.

LStW: (Halloween) If you could dress up as any character, real or fictional, who would it be?
Beverley: Gosh, Halloween is one of those holidays I can only see through the eyes of a child. I hate dressing up period. But if I could, it would be one of those late Victorian gowns—minus the corset and without so much bustle.

LStW: (Thanksgiving) As a writer, what are three things that you are most thankful for?
Beverley: I’m thankful that I get to do something I’m totally passionate about as a career. I’ve worked in the IT field most of my life and being able to write and earn enough money to support myself and my son is beyond awesome. I thank God for that daily.

LStW: (Christmas) Do you have a favorite thing to gift friends for Christmas?
Beverley: Hmm, I love giving away electronic gadgets because I’m a gadget nut. Seriously, doesn’t everyone need an iPad. I would say yes.

LStW: (New Year) What's next for Beverley Kendall in 2014?
Beverley: Next. Okay, that’s a big debate right now (in my head). I want to work on 3 books next. One is the next historical in The Temptresses series. The second is a new adult book about a college girl who gets pregnant with her boyfriend’s child. The third is a contemporary where the heroine is the rebound girl…and subsequently, wife. I’ll be pounding out the outline for each book over the next week and then I’ll make a decision as to which two I’ll be working on.

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The Temptresses seriesby Beverley Kendall

Gentlemen of the ton ... prepare to be tempted

Temptation is as old as Adam and Eve. Unfortunately, succumbing to it is as natural as breathing to the gentlemen in the haut ton. For prospective brides bent on fidelity, three of the ton's most ravishing beauties will help determine the faithful from the philanderers. What they hadn't counted on was emotional entanglements...

A Temptress in Love

Catherine Rutherford has been smitten with the sinfully handsome American, Lucas Beaumont, since their introduction the year before. And he appears just as enamored of her, for following his return to London he launches a seductive campaign to ensnare her heart and capture her hand in marriage. Never has Catherine been so confident in the outcome of a courtship...that is until she discovers her would-be groom proposed marriage to her sister first.

Although she and her twin share the same face, Catherine refuses to share a man's affections much less be any woman's substitute. So with the aid of her twin and two friends, she challenges the man she loves to the ultimate test of fidelity. Posing as her heartbroken sister--who is truly anything but -- Catherine seeks his solace from an "unhappy marriage" and begins a tempestuous game of seduction where the true proof of his love lies in his ability to resist her charms.

The Temptresses series is connected to the Elusive Lords series.

Twice the Temptation is available at:

The Elusive Lords Series by Beverley Kendall

Lord James Rutherford fights the inexorable demise of his bachelorhood with every sane bone in his body. But the single-minded pursuit of the delectable Missy Armstrong entering her fourth London Season proves his undoing. Just as he's decided to risk the wrath of her brother -- his friend -- and right the wrong of their indiscretion, James discovers the consequences of a forgotten night of drunken passion has left yet another lady of ton compromised ...

For Millicent 'Missy' Armstrong, being ruined by the man of her dreams is nothing to wring her hands and bury her face in her hands about. But when an offer of marriage isn't immediately forthcoming, and whispers of James's betrothal to another reaches her ears, there isn't an acre of land on the Continent far enough on which to escape. Then, in an abrupt reversal, James is back on her doorstep with the offer she'd yearned to receive ... two weeks and one fiancée too late.

In the face of her unwavering refusal, James launches a war to win back her passion, her trust, and her love. A war as ruthless as it is seductive. With the wounds of her heartbreak still fresh and raw, can he convince her that far from the second choice, she has always been the only choice for him?

She Challenged His Pride

Lady Amelia Bertram may have a reputation as the most brazen beauty of the ton, but she shocks even herself when she accidently -- and loudly -- derides one of society's most eligible bachelors in the middle of a crowded ballroom. The timing of her faux pas couldn't be worse, for her father is seeking someone to take her off his hands that very night

He Challenged Her Willpower

But when Thomas Armstrong overhears the so-called "Lady" Amelia slandering his sexual prowess in public, he cannot help but accept the dare implicit in her words. To her father's great delight, he offers to take her to his secluded country estate -- properly chaperoned, of course -- to teach the girl a lesson in ladylike behavior ...

She hopes to gain his affections

For Miss Elizabeth Smith, sharing her first kiss with the charming Lord Derek Creswell is nothing short of a dream come true ... that is, until she is spotted by one of the most influential gossips of the ton. With scandal nipping at her heels, to avoid total social ruin, Elizabeth must present a fiancé by the end of the Season. But when the viscount proves reluctant, Elizabeth is forced to employ a seduction of a different sort ...

He is determined to ruin her

Viscount Derek Creswell believes Elizabeth set out to trap him into marriage. After all, her sister attempted the very same thing with his brother six years before. Now the delectable Miss Smith expects a betrothal and a ring, while Derek finds her ruination infinitely more appealing ...

But as Derek sets out to seduce only her body, Elizabeth is intent on claiming his jaded heart.

This is a novella and 29,000 words. Included is a three chapter excerpt of the third full-length book in The Elusive Lords series, An Heir of Deception. The total word count for this book is 43,000 + words.

Abandoned at the altar:

A man devastated by love

After three years of carousing and debauchery, Alex Cartwright, heir to the Duke of Hastings, has put his life back in order. Having embraced sobriety for two years, he has no intention of revisiting the past or risking his heart again. But the return of the very woman who introduced him to the darkest side of hell brings not only the painful, haunting memories of bittersweet love and abandonment, but the son he never knew he had ...

A woman silenced by secrets

Threatened by the revelation of a secret that could destroy her family's place in society and forever tarnish a dukedom, Charlotte fled England on her wedding day five years ago. Now, although it appears that secret is safe, when Alex discovers her other secret -- their son -- Charlotte has an altogether different battle ahead. She must now fight one love to hold onto the other -- the man whose touch still makes her burn, for the child who is her very world.

To read my reviews of Beverley Kendall's books, click here.

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Meet Beverley Kendall --

Beverley discovered her love of books while growing up in, the then, small city of Barrie, Ontario Canada. With her love of books and romance, she always wished that everyone would find their happily ever after. She currently writes sexy historical, new adult and contemporary romances.

As the mother of one too bright and mischievous young boy, she pulls full-time duty on all fronts. When she's not writing full-time, running The Season review website or mothering, she's probably reading or sleeping and dreaming of a time when she'll have time for her favorite hobbies: knitting, crocheting and sewing.

Beverley has lived on two continents, in three countries, two provinces, and four states. She stopped her nomadic existence and settled in the southeast. All things artistic feed her creative passion, but none more than writing. Readers can visit her at:

To find out more about Beverley Kendall and her books, click below:
The Season for Romance Website
The Season for Romance on Facebook
The Season for Romance on Twitter

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It's almost Thanksgiving and this is my way of saying "Thank you" to all the wonderful authors and to all the wonderful romance readers in the world.

Image from

For this week, there will be 3 winners!

As support for the authors, I'm hosting a giveaway for one digital copy of Twice the Temptation, the first book in Beverley's The Temptresses series.

Beverley has generously donated a $15 Amazon Gift Card and a paperback copy of Twice the Temptation (US Only).

*This giveaway is via Rafflecopter and is open to International Readers (except for the paperback).
*This giveaway will run until December 2.
*One entry per household per IP.
*Rafflecopter will select 3 winners:

One winner will receive a $15 Amazon Gift Card,

One winner will receive a copy of Twice the Temptation (ebook via Kindle or Smashwords)


One winner will receive a paperback copy of Twice the Temptation (US Only)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

* * *

Drop by on Wednesday for the next interview and giveaway. ;-)


  1. This book is great. Beverley has a fresh spin on historicals that is hard to pass up.

  2. Looking forward to Twice the Temptation! (Really looking forward to spare time in which to read! LOL None until after Christmas!) :)

  3. Beverley's books whether they are historical or contemporary are always fresh and entertaining. She always gives you the unexpected and make it work.

  4. This sounds like another winner from Beverly!!

  5. Congrats to Beverley on the new release.

  6. Hi, Beverley! I really love the plots of your novels and would be thrilled to be your winner. Congratulations on your successes!

  7. Hi Bev, congratulations again on the release of "Twice The Temptation". If I get lucky and win, could I please have it in print?

  8. Congratulations on the new release. It's amazing how many stories an author can come up with. Have you ever been working on one book when the plot of a new book suddenly comes to you? If so, do you just write the idea down so you don't forget?

  9. All of Beverley's books look great! I'm hoping someone get me one of them for Christmas since they are all on my list. :-)

  10. Hi, all!

    Thank you for the wonderful comments and questions for Beverley!~

    Have a great day! And happy almost-Thanksgiving! ^_^

  11. Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by. Kim, I write down story ideas as the come to me so I won't forget. I have 4 mystery/thrillers I plan to write one day...

  12. Congrats on the new release! It sounds great and I'm looking forward to reading it.

    Marcy Shuler

  13. Hi Beverly! Was there anyone in your life who first convinced you to sit down and write your first book?
    Thanks for sharing!

  14. My children would love you especially if you presented them with electronic devices for Christmas. I think for the past 4 or 5 Christmases my kids have wanted some kind of gadget or game to go with it.
    The book is being added to my Christmas list. Thanks for sharing :)

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