Monday, September 1, 2014

Question of the Month (and Giveaway) + Winners Announced

Happy September 1, everyone! As promised, here is the question of the month:

It's a rare thing, but there have been cases where books in the same series end in a cliffhanger and I wanted to find out what readers think of this. This question will be up until the end of the month and the giveaway will run for the same time.

For September, I'm drawing 2 winners: 1 lucky commenter will win a copy of Once Upon a Duke by Eva Devon and another lucky commenter will win a copy of Talk Sweetly to Me by Courtney Milan. Both are digital copies only, so make sure you can accept Kindle copies.

*This giveaway is via Rafflecopter and is open to International Readers.
*This giveaway will run until September 30.
*One entry per household per IP.
*Rafflecopter will select 1 winner each, total of 2 winners.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And, for the two giveaways I had recently, here are the winners:

For my #CelebrateRomance post for Read a Romance Month:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And for a copy of The Captive by Grace Burrowes:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Both winners have been notified and prizes sent out. ^_^



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