Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blog Tour: Season for Scandal by Theresa Romain (Guest Post + Giveaway)

I am incredible thrilled to be hosting the wonderfully talented Theresa Romain on Love Saves the World today. She is currently on tour for her latest release, Season for Scandal.

One commenter per the total number of tour stops will win a signed print copy of Season for Scandal, open internationally. Additionally, Theresa is generously offering a Grand Prize of all three Season books (signed print copies), open internationally! (To visit Theresa's other stops, click here.)

For this stop, Theresa is sharing with us some thoughts from Little Miss R (her daughter), who is so adorable and clever. (You must, MUST, read their interview together over at Peanut Butter on the Keyboard where Little Miss R answers some questions from readers. ^_^)

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Five Profound Observations (from a Five-Year-Old) about Why Books are Great

Tin, thank you so much for hosting me today!

This is the official release date for my third Holiday Pleasures historical romance, Season for Scandal. Yay! To observe the occasion, I thought I’d glean a few words of wisdom from my five-year-old daughter, known online as Little Miss R.

First, a look at the cover. What, I asked her, did she think this beautiful book was about?

LMR: It’s about a girl wearing a dress.

Me: True. Yes, there is a girl in it who wears a dress. What do you think the story might be about?

LMR: I haven’t read it, so I’m not sure. I imagine the girl finds a boy to kiss.

Me: That’s exactly right! The girl finds a boy to kiss.

LMR: (uproarious laughter) Really? Are you kidding?

Me: No. That does happen in the story.

LMR: Ha ha ha! Eww! Ha ha! Kissing is gross!


We turned then from Season for Scandal in particular to books in general. Little Miss R likes books (though as she mentioned, she is NOT allowed to read mine), and I asked her to explain why. Translated from kid-speak, I think she made some pretty good observations.

1. There’s a story to suit every mood.

“Some books are funny and some are sad and some are sad with a happy end. Like if there’s a bad guy and a prince or princess, and the prince and princess get (whispered) married.”

2. Books represent diversity.

“Books have all kinds of stories. They’re all different and that makes everything better. Like my art teacher says, if everyone’s picture was the same, that would be (thumbs down) boring. And if all books were the same it would be boring.”

3. Stories can provoke a powerful emotional reaction.

“When I read a funny book, I laugh. When books are sweet, that makes people go ‘awww.’ When books are scary, that makes me scared and I snuggle my daddy.”

4. Sometimes you really CAN judge a book by its cover.

“Books come in all shapes and that makes books fun. The pictures on the front of the book can tell you what it’s about.”

5. Everyone loves a strong character.

“I like to have happen if there’s a bad guy dragon then he eats the good guy. Then (shouted) the good guy saves himself!”

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Well, there you go: five things to love about books! (I’ll give Little Miss R a decade or two to get over that “kissing is gross” attitude.)

What’s your favorite thing about books? Or did you ever find yourself captured by cover art and want to know more about how “the girl finds a boy to kiss”? Do tell. And be sure to leave your entry in the Rafflecopter form for a giveaway of Season for Scandal -- thanks!

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Thank you, Theresa and, thank you, to Little Miss R!

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About the book:

Season For Scandal by Theresa Romain

Genre: Historical romance
Heat Level: Sensual: love scenes with euphemisms
Publisher: Kensington Zebra
Publishing Date: October 1, 2013
Series: Holiday Pleasures, book 3
Format: Digital and print (mass market)
Words: 89,000

Back Cover:

Jane Tindall has never had money of her own or exceptional beauty. Her gifts are more subtle: a mind like an abacus, a talent for play-acting—and a daring taste for gambling. But all the daring in the world can’t help with the cards fixed against her. And when Edmund Ware, Baron Kirkpatrick, unwittingly spoils her chance to win a fortune, her reputation is ruined too. Or so she thinks, until he suggests a surprising mode of escape: a hasty marriage. To him. On the surface, their wedding would seem to satisfy all the demands of proper society, but as the Yuletide approaches, secrets and scandals turn this proper marriage into a very improper affair.

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16043824-season-for-scandal?ac=1


Ebook: ibook • kensington • kindle • nook

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Meet Author Theresa Romain:

Historical romance author Theresa Romain pursued an impractical education that allowed her to read everything she could get her hands on. She then worked for universities and libraries, where she got to read even more. Eventually she started writing, too. She lives with her family in the Midwest, where she is working on her next book. This September, she’ll begin a new historical romance trilogy with IT TAKES TWO TO TANGLE. In October, her third holiday historical romance -- SEASON FOR SCANDAL -- will be released.

Website: http://theresaromain.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AuthorTheresaRomain
Twitter: @TheresaRomain

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One commenter per the total number of tour stops will win a signed print copy of SEASON FOR SCANDAL, open internationally. Additionally, Theresa is generously offering a Grand Prize of all three Season books (signed print copies), open internationally! (To visit Theresa's other stops, click here.)

Please follow the Rafflecopter widget for ways to enter, as well as for Terms and Conditions.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I always like books where the heroine is intelligent

  2. Fabulous contest! This book is on my TBR list.

  3. Arizona Dutt azdeiter@yahoo.comOctober 1, 2013 at 10:58 PM

    The title and cover art always pull me in, but it's the summary on the back that cements it for me. And if it's a Scottish or Irish themed historical, even better!

  4. Tin, thank you for hosting me today! Little Miss R was very proud to help with the post. :)

    Linda--agreed, intelligent heroines are a must.

    Susan, thanks! Hope you enjoy.

    Arizona, back-cover blurbs are an art form. The publishers, not the authors, write them--and I'm in awe of how they manage to cram a whole story into a few sentences.

  5. Love Theresa Romain’s novels and cannot wait to read her new one!

  6. Little Miss R sounds just adorable, Theresa.

    From the excerpts I've read, I really like how strong Jane is and how she is with Edmund. I can't wait to get this book!

    Marcy Shuler

  7. Oooo I really like the sound of this one. Can't wait to give it a try. :)

  8. I'm looking forward to reading this book. It sounds and looks awesome.
    Thanks :)

  9. I love Little Miss R! She sounds adorable and very smart! My favorite thing about books is the cover for one and second, the story! I just love to read and see if the H/H gets together or if they end up with someone else. If not for these then I would read it for the story line.

  10. Your daughter is so cute. She is beyond precocious. :)

  11. Hi, everyone--thanks for stopping by to share in the release-day fun for SEASON FOR SCANDAL!

    Connie, that is so lovely. Thank you. :)

    Marcy, I think LMR is very adorable! And you're right, Jane doesn't hesitate to stand up for herself. Sometimes she's a bit too quick to act, though. (I'd better not say any more in case I enter spoiler territory.)

    Melissa, hope you enjoy it!

    BD, thank you. :)

    Sandy, I get drawn in by beautiful cover art too. :) And I can promise you a HEA for the hero and heroine in this book. That's what I love so much about romance!

    May, thanks! She is never short of words, and I never know what she'll say. Like in the last point she made about books: she was very clear that the good guy saved himself *after* being eaten. OK then.

  12. Congratulations on the publication of Season for Scandal! It sounds like a wonderful book with a strong, intelligent woman. I enjoy reading historical romance because I can escape into a whole new world of passion. I also love the beautiful covers.

  13. I always wonder for big mass market books, does the author get a choice in their cover design?
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. I thought authors wrote the blurbs - good to know.

  15. Oh I love books! And most definitely immersing myself into a world far from reality. And I do love those covers Woah! They can be hot!

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