Saturday, August 24, 2013

Debut Historical Romance Novels to Look Out For (from August to December 2013)

I love debut authors and I love reading their debut novels. Earlier today, a friend and I were talking about books we were looking forward to from now until the end of 2013 and I mentioned some debut authors to her and she asked for more recommendations.

There's a really great list of 2013 debut romance novels for all genres over at Goodreads so I'll highlight the debut historical romance releases:

Book release: September 24, 2013

Book release: September 19, 2013

Book release: September 3, 2013
(Watch out for my ARC review of this very soon!)

The second part of The Governess Club: Bonnie will be released on September 17, 2013.

Book Release: November 5, 2013

Book Release: January 7, 2014

Book Release: December 31, 2013

Prior to her solo release, Alison DeLaine is releasing a book with Stephanie Laurens: The Trouble with Virtue by Stephanie Laurens and Alison DeLaine on November 26, 2013.

Book Release: December 3, 2013

Not really her debut, which was published in 2010 -- but I'm curious, so I'm putting her on the list. ^_^

Book Release: September 24, 2013

... This is as far as my Google-fu and browsing through Book Depository powers could take me. Did I miss anyone? Please leave me a comment so I can feature them ^_^


  1. Oh wow! So many upcoming novels. Now, I have a cramp in my hand from adding all of these to my Wish List. Cannot wait. Thanks, Tin!

  2. Hi, Connie!

    They're all interesting, aren't they? ^_^ (My wish list is about 50+ books and growing. How about you?)

    Hi, Mary!

    Me too! I think I will try to compile a list of all the debut HR novels that came out for 2013 so we can celebrate all of them. ^_^



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